Well folks, it took a little while to organise, but it was all worth it, for the guys and for Jenna.
Friday eveining rolled around pretty quickly, and over the past few weeks I'd been emailing and texting loads of guys who wanted to have a slice of Jenna's birthday cake. By Friday arvo, I had 15 confirmed and paid up eager punters, all champing at the bit. But first there was a little shopping to do, and I parked on the street near World Square to nip into Coles and touch base with Sydneysouth. SS was camped at Gloria Jeans, simply spending the afternoon perving at the hotties who were walking around - hed been there with his mate for 4 hours!!! He may have had some female company too A quick chat, and it was into Coles to buy a selection of doms, lube and of course a "searay" for my self. I was quickly on my way courtesy of the self checkout, and at 5 I met Jenna outside the hotel, where she was waiting for me. We kissed quickly and headed to check in. Here I had to sign a form that was the hotel's "No Party" policy which stated that I couldnt have more than 4 people in the room. Well, FUCK THAT hotel manegement. They did however make things difficult by requiring a swipe of the room key card in the lift, which was going to make taking 15 guys with stiffies upstairs problematic!
Into the room, the first thing I noticed was THE FUCKING GRAND PIANO in the lounge. WTF? The second thing I noticed was Jenna's heaving bosom, and it was all a man could do to refrain from ripping off her kit and having her there and then. And she was up for it too, making it doubly hard. Phew, exmel, put your big head back on! So, as Jenna prepared the bedroom for the forthcoming festivities, strewing doms all over the shop, I legged it up to the pool deck to grab as many towels as i could carry. I knew what Jenna was capable of in the squirt department. With that sorted, it was time to leave Jenna alone, with the bedroom door closed, and to meet the guys downstairs.
My plan was to take guys up 3 or 4 at a time, not drawing attention to ourselves. As it happened, this almost worked perfectly, as the guys arrived in staggered intervals making it relatively easy. With 15 mins to go, I suddenly realised that my fucking car was still parked in the street, with a well expired ticket. FAAARRRKKKK. I legged it down the road, and wow, no ticket, so I hopped in the car and drove round the block to the car park. As i ran back to the hotel, the little sachet of sildenafil that I had sipped 30 mins earlier was having its effect, and I could feel my face fluch and heart beat as I ran along. Not a good time to have a coranary I thought to myself. Back in the hotel, the final batch of guys was waiting and we made the quick journey up stairs. A quck chat to set the agenda, and i popped into the bedroom to check Jenna was ready. Fuck yeah, she was ready. She was naked on the bed, flicking her clit, sopping wet and with a big black butt plug UP HER ARSE. Heh heh. Let the games commence.
I got her on her knees and put a blindfold on her and called in the guys. As some went to the shower, others began to touch and fondle her all over, and she was soon dripping like wentworth falls in the spring. Within minutes 4 guys had their erect cocks smashing into her face and she was struggling to keep up; one cock at a time babe. After 5 mins, we were all in there naked, and I whipped off the blindfold, and Jenna reeled back with the full realisation of all the cock that she was going to get tonight. And so it started. BBBJ after BBBJ after BBBJ. Pretty soon, the first cab off the rank had blown all over her tits, and he withdrew to recover. But he was rapidly replaced by another cock, then another then another. A pattern that was to be repeated for the next 2.5 hours in fact.
She was soon on her back, but not before swallowing two full barrells of cum from the next two guys. The first guy into her pussy was actually a guy on holiday here from the middle east, someone who frankly wasnt used to seeing a woman in this situation, and he basically thought he,d died and gone to heaven. With no english, his mate explained that he had to put on a condom. A difficult task as he was hung like a painting in the louvre. He was soon deep inside Jennas pussy, and she was truly stretched to the max. No matter, she just kept on fucking and sucking. Our ME friend soon broke the first condom, so as he withdrew to reglove, another went in for the kill, and soon filled his sock with cum. The bed was soaking by now as Jenna's trade mark squirting was in full effect.
Into doggy now and she just pushed back on whoever was fucking her at the time. There were used condoms everywhere. Our ME friends were hilarious, and the Aussie one was regailing us with tales of villages in Iraq where women are so scarce that donkey's take on a certain "allure" FFS. Thank fuck we live in Sydney!!!
I could beat on an on and bore you to tears, so just a few highlights. At one stage I asked if Jenna wanted a DP, so with Polonius on his back and fully erect, Jenna squatted on his cock and I lined up the bulls eye, and slipped into her back door with ease. I couldnt resist a hi five with my new found buddy. What a great feeling. Another guy stuck his cock in her mouth so each hole was filled a la bowling ball. This went on for a while then I think the Aussie ME dude replaced my shit slicked cock with his, while Polonius kept her pussy occupied.
I'd asked jenna to wear black mascara for the event, knowing that it would run when she got facials, and run it did. She looked like a total slut. I couldnt hold on much longer after the DP, so lined her up and finally let fly with a big load, straight into eyes and face. Magic, and she looked so happy haha. Unfortunately my shot started to cause a bit of pink eye later on, and the mascara was starting to set like concrete. Luckliy sextus had thouhtfully turned up with wet wipes, and disaster was averted.
Our ME friend looked like he was in love, as he kept tenderly stroking Jenna's arm when he wasnt fucking her with his mammoth appendage. He tried anal for the firt time, and this truly stretched Jenna to her limits. It was the only time she asked for a time out. After this, with Jenna on her back and head hanging over the edge of the bed, he and two other guys face fucked her, and they all let go one after the other. She was drenched in cum, and swallowed a hell of a lot too.
There followed lots more fucking, and Jenna showed unbelievable stamina by sucking cock after cock for at least an hour non stop. It was truly a marathon effort. She of course was rewarded with mouthfull after mouthfull of cum. As this was going on, Sextus (who had been taking photos for most of the time, getting into some pretty amazing/stupid positions) finally decided that it was time to dom up, and without further ado, he slipped into her greasy chocolate channel, and promtly got into the "zone" I was speaking to him but he just didnt hear me. Afterwards he stated that he didnt even realise I was talking to him. Afer he finished, Polonius took his place and his drug enhanced cock plunged into her doggy style, until he blew big time.
There were plenty of highlights and funny moments, and I hope some of the other guys will add to my tale with their take on the event. All in all, Jenna was well and truly shagged out at the end, but always with a huge grin on her face, She truly is one in a million, and I think we should consider ourselves pretty fucking lucky to be around at the same time as Jenna. Happy birthday, Honey Bunny.
Originally posted on #AuXXXReviews